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Video Interviews
- Buster Benson, founder of 43 Things
- Philip Rosedale, founder of Second Life
- Hiten Shah, Co-Founder, KISSMetrics
- Susan O’Connell, president of San Francisco Zen Center
- Kevin Rose, Digg.com and Google Ventures
- Mike Del Ponte, founder of SomaWater
- Todd Masonis, co-founder of Dandelion Chocolate
- Joel Gascione, CEO of Buffer app
- Tony Stubblebine, CEO of Lift habit app
- Chip Conley, author & hotelier
- Jesse Jacobs, Samovar Tea Lounge
- Jennifer Pattee, Basic Training
- James Freeman, Blue Bottle Coffee
- Megan Casey, Pack & Squidoo
- Ramit Sethi, I Will Teach You to Be Rich
- Zen to Done (pdf)
- focus (zip file with multiple files)
- Bonus videos